Freedom means not getting hounded for being different from others...
Freedom means being able to express one's frustrations without one's patriotism being questioned...
Freedom means not having to go to jail for ideas that some find disagreeable...
Freedom means being able to walk around freely no matter what time of the day or night without questions raised about your morality...
Freedom means being able to dress whatever one wants without the fear of what others may say...
Freedom means your upward mobility doesn't depend on your gender, caste, religion or socio-economic background...
Freedom means your privacy is fiercely protected and not bartered away...
Freedom means believing in whatever god you want to worship or not believing in any god at all...
Freedom means being able to share one's passions and core beliefs without your motives being questioned...
Freedom means being different is a matter of celebration and not a reason for persecution...
Freedom means being able to love or marry whoever you want without fearing death, persecution, humiliation or acid attack...
Freedom means your gender doesn't decide what areas of the city are unsafe or where or how long you should be out...
Freedom means where human rights are not belittled and that of cows given greater priority...
Freedom struggle. The story continues.